Health care for lesbian women during the pregnancy-puerperal cycle



Pregnancy, Diversity, Healthcare


Parental practices refer to the process of becoming pregnant, in addition to care, the training and follow-up of children during their lives. Thus, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual (LGBT) couples, when choosing to become parents, have the fear of their children suffering any kind of discrimination, causing us negative feelings that can lead to psychological implications such as: anxiety, anguish, depression and even the use/abuse of alcohol and other drugs.


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How to Cite

Vieira, B. L., Silva, M. E. C., Carvalho Filha, F. S. S., Barbosa, H. R. A., & Moraes Filho, I. M. de. (2022). Health care for lesbian women during the pregnancy-puerperal cycle. Revista REVOLUA, 1(1), 1–5. Retrieved from