Mothers' knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the importance of the heel prick test


  • Sarah Peres Aredes de Morais
  • Samuel da Silva Pontes


Heel prick test, Newborns, National Newborn Screening Program, Gestational carriers


The present study aims to analyze, based on published texts that revealed the knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers regarding the importance of the heel prick test. Methodology: The present study was developed by an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach, using reviews in articles prepared from the perspective of CAP – Knowledge, Attitude and Practice, as well as from reports of other authors who developed research, which were available as a reference basis for this study. Results: The results of this literature review indicate that mothers' knowledge about the Heel Prick Test varies considerably, with many mothers presenting significant gaps in the understanding of the objectives and benefits of this test. Factors such as educational level, access to health information, and medical guidance play a crucial role in maternal knowledge. Conclusion: It is recognized that the test is based on knowledge in part of the population, but there is no technical consistency. It is evident that the work of the nursing professional can contribute to the dissemination of the heel prick test.


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How to Cite

Morais, S. P. A. de, & Pontes, S. da S. (2023). Mothers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the importance of the heel prick test. Revista REVOLUA, 2(2), 326–335. Retrieved from