Actions of the Family Health Strategy team in promoting the health of pregnant adolescents and preventing pregnancy


  • Letícia dos Santos Coelho Lima
  • Yasmim Martins Pinheiro da Silva
  • João de Sousa Pinheiro Barbosa


Adolescent Pregnancy, Primary Health Care, Quality of Life and Nursing


Objective: To analyze in science the impact of pregnancy on quality of life and describe strategies for promotion and prevention in Primary Health Care (PHC). Method: Review of the integrative literature with a qualitative approach and exploratory objectives. The results were obtained from the analysis of scientific studies between the years 201 to 2022, and 17 articles were used that were in accordance with the questions that were in accordance with the issues raised and within the foundations of the methodology. Results: It was possible to analyze that to reduce the age among adolescents is just a specific strategy, it is not necessarily a direct intervention on the promotion of early health and the prevention and control of early pregnancy. Conclusion: The present presents evidence that there are still flaws in the link between the family, school and health professional environment with adolescents, for this it is necessary to have knowledge for the implementation of strategies aimed at greater prevention of conception in adolescence through health promotion.


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How to Cite

Lima, L. dos S. C., Silva, Y. M. P. da, & Barbosa, J. de S. P. (2022). Actions of the Family Health Strategy team in promoting the health of pregnant adolescents and preventing pregnancy. Revista REVOLUA, 1(1), 33–44. Retrieved from

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