Level of knowledge of teachers of early childhood education facing situations of urgency and emergency in school


  • Bruno Lyncon Gonçalves Rodrigues
  • Guilherme Batista Rodrigues
  • Izabella Siqueira Santos
  • Evertton Aurélio Dias Campos


Teacher training, Health education, Emergency, First aid


Objective: to present the experience of a first aid training in a school for teachers and employees in situations of urgency and emergency, focusing on accidents prevalent in school environments. Method: The practical-theoretical training was carried out, with the practical help of the Urgem league (Urgem - Urgency and Emergency Academic League) of Uniceplac, on August 30, 2022, with an audience of 30 people of both genders and ages ranging from 23 to 48 years old, covering the topics of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, burns, OVACE (Airway Obstruction by Foreign Body), convulsions, and fainting. Results: during the presentation there was interaction among the teachers, where they were asked about situations experienced on the subject and if the school has the necessary materials to perform this first aid in case of accidents. Conclusion: many child education professionals are unprepared to act in an emergency situation, because the theme is little worked in the educators' training and in the school environment, thus the need for training is observed so that any lay person can perform the proper first aid care to the victim.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, B. L. G., Rodrigues, G. B., Santos, I. S., & Campos, E. A. D. (2022). Level of knowledge of teachers of early childhood education facing situations of urgency and emergency in school. Revista REVOLUA, 1(1), 87–95. Retrieved from https://revistarevolua.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/19



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