Factors that influence the prevalence of metabolic syndrome


  • Bianca Maria Oliveira Nascimento
  • Natália Ximenes Delfino Dias
  • João de Sousa Pinheiro Barbosa
  • Lorrane Rafaela de Sousa


Metabolic syndrome, Obesity, Nursing Assistance


Objective: To identify the factors associated with the development of the metabolic syndrome and which nursing care is related to the context of prevention and health promotion of the individual, family and community. Method: It is an integrative bibliographic review study with a qualitative approach. Results: 340 articles were identified in the Scielo and Pubmed databases, among which 15 national articles were selected, where the main result was that the most effective action for health promotion is done in primary care, focusing on prevention, promotion and rehabilitation in health. Conclusion: It is concluded that the need for greater intervention in the context of public health with regard to the development of more health programs focused on the Metabolic Syndrome (MS) in order to identify the symptoms correlated primarily to MS and its associated diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and overweight.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, B. M. O., Dias, N. X. D., Barbosa, J. de S. P., & Sousa , L. R. de. (2023). Factors that influence the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Revista REVOLUA, 2(1), 282–289. Retrieved from https://revistarevolua.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/41

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