Consequences of Early Weaning on Breastfeeding


  • Jessika Vieira Freitas
  • Verônika Peixoto Braz
  • João de Sousa Pinheiro Barbosa


Emotional Infant, Breastfeeding, Nursing, Weaning and Emotional Bonds


Objective: to analyze the main consequences in the affective and emotional mother-child relationships regarding the early weaning assisted by the nurse. Method: review of the integrative literature being classified as a basic research with a qualitative approach and as to exploratory objectives. The results were obtained from the analysis of scientific studies between the years 2018 and 2022, and 15 articles were used that were in accordance with the following questions and within the criteria established by the methodology. Results: it was possible to notice that most studies deal with the physical consequences of early weaning and there is a lack of journals that address the psychological consequences that are related to the bond, affection and emotional of the mother and binomial. Breastfeeding is fundamental for the growth of the baby, besides contributing to the affective relationship between the mother and her child, the consequences generated by weaning can impair growth, body development, can cause malnutrition and several future diseases. Conclusion: Among all the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for maternal and child health, its early interruption is still very frequent, and it is up to the nurse to play a role that is extremely important to prevent early weaning.


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How to Cite

Freitas, J. V., Braz, V. P., & Barbosa, J. de S. P. (2022). Consequences of Early Weaning on Breastfeeding. Revista REVOLUA, 1(1), 11–20. Retrieved from

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