Quality of sleep and quality of life of men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer


  • André Nepomuceno Freires
  • Helen Kassia Borges Guedes
  • Natanielly Carneiro dos Santos
  • Rodrigo Marques da Silva


Prostate cancer, Quality of life, Quality of sleep


Objective: to analyze the scientific production in relation to the quality of sleep and life of men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. Method: This is a bibliographic review conducted from September to October 2022 in the Electronic Library Scientific Electronic Library and in the Databases Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Social sciences and Health. For the search, the keywords were used: Prostate cancer, Quality of life of men with prostate cancer, sleep importance among men with prostate cancer, prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. Results: We found 56 articles in the initial search in both databases. Of these, 25 were excluded by the eligibility criteria, leaving 23 articles as the final sample of review. After reading in full and extracting the data, the results were grouped into 4 categories to better understand the subject: Prostate cancer- Concepts and incidence in Brazil and worldwide; Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer; Quality of life of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer; Importance of sleep-in patients with prostate cancer. Conclusion: Therefore, it is verified that the study of sleep quality and quality of life of men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer is extremely important to ensure the well-being of these individuals, and that it is necessary to seek more effective measures for the detection, prevention and treatment of this disease, with the objective of promoting improvements in the physical and mental health of patients.


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How to Cite

Freires , A. N., Guedes, H. K. B., Santos, N. C. dos, & Silva, R. M. da. (2022). Quality of sleep and quality of life of men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer. Revista REVOLUA, 1(1), 52–62. Retrieved from https://revistarevolua.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/17

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