Stress and coping strategies of women in situations of violence


  • Ana Paula Malta Paulino Lucena
  • Nerinda Lima da Rocha de Souza
  • Rodrigo Marques da Silva


Psychological Stress, Coping, Women, Violence


Objective: to analyze the scientific production on stress and coping strategy of women in situations of violence. Method: this is a bibliographic review conducted from July to September 2022 at the Scientific Electronic Library Online, Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Social and Health Sciences, Nursing Databases, Publish or Perish. For the search, the keywords were used: nursing, stress and violence against women. Results: We found 82 publications, 37 of which were eliminated by initial reading and 33 after reading the abstracts. After full reading of the 12 remaining publications, two thematic categories were elaborated: General considerations on stress in women in situations of violence; and Nursing strategy in coping with women in situations of violence. Conclusion: we observed that the psychological damage is greater the longer the duration of the stressful event. This harm to victims includes depression, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, disorders, suicidal thoughts, increased alcohol and drug use, with increasing levels in the course of mild to acute violence. In addition to dealing with the stress experienced by these women, health professionals need to be prepared to support any strategy of violence management that guides their health environment.


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How to Cite

Lucena, A. P. M. P., Souza, N. L. da R. de, & Silva, R. M. da. (2023). Stress and coping strategies of women in situations of violence. Revista REVOLUA, 2(1), 246–255. Retrieved from

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